Supply and Development of Sesame Products Cluster Co

Supply and Development of Sesame Products Cluster Co. (Private Joint Stock Co.) was established in 1393 Shamsi (2014) with the share of 55 production units in order to support and provide services for active production units in the field of sesame products which has increased to 85 production units now. The goal of this company is to provide raw materials for sesame products producers, introduce the sesame products in the country and abroad, roleplaying in the food industry market benefiting from modern knowledge and technology, dominate over production, packing, marketing, export and pay special attention to the need and taste of dear consumers. We believe that we can provide services in the field of technology and innovation for the members of sesame products cluster company, be the biggest sesame producer in the country with regard to providing raw materials and naturally, become its pricing reference, supply all the raw materials that shareholders need in our commodity basket and with the use of the production, distribution and marketing network under a common brand become one of the best sesame products brand in the country.


Commitment and Originality


Growth and Development



In order to increase the awareness level of the members of Sesame Products Cluster Co. in the fields of innovation, creativity and modern financial issues different seminars and conferences are held once every few months to inform them about the activities of the company. The aim of these seminars is to increase the awareness level of the human resources in relation to the modern issues. We hope that we can take good steps in this important matter.

Programs Held :
6 Courses


Supply and Development of Sesame Products Cluster Co. organizes common domestic sales network and export consortium of sesame products in order to utilize unused capacities of production units and increase the market share of sesame products of Yazd Province in the domestic and foreign markets. Therefore, taking part in specialized exhibitions of food products locally and abroad is high on our agenda.

Programs Held :
7 Courses

Educational Courses

Supply and Development of Sesame Products Cluster Co. provides educational courses in the fields of domestic and foreign trade, marketing, labor and taxation laws, accounting, etc. in order to develop the human resources awareness to reach the desired level. To hold these courses, all the educational institutes in the country were informed about our educational needs so they can act accordingly and hold the required courses.

Programs Held :
18 Courses


Supply and Development of Sesame Products Cluster Co. is the only organizer of domestic and foreign tours in the level of Sesame Products Cluster Co. of Yazd Province to expand the company’s members and getting them acquainted with the modern technologies and equipment. These tours that are held as industrial or exhibition tours will be managed by the company directly or with the cooperation of travel agencies.

Programs Held :
5 Courses